Over the years we have taught at many schools, business organizations and training institutions in Singapore and Vietnam. We offer the following programmes:
Speech & Drama (From Nursery 2 upwards to adults)
Individual Drama Coaching
​Oral Communication
Public Speaking (From Primary 4 upwards to adults)
Individual Coaching for Presentation for the Executive
Pre-school Educators Workshops
Pre-Reading (For Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 - Using Oxford Tree Reading books)
Schools and organizations we have taught and/or are currently teaching:
YMCA (Stevens Road), PCF Sparkletots Childcare Centres, Pinetree Club, AECES and Vietedutech (Hanoi, Vietnam)
Secondary Schools
Anglican High School, Anglo Chinese School (Barker Road), Chung Cheng High School (Main), Dunman High School
Primary Schools
East Coast Primary School, Haig Girls' School, Katong Special School, Red Swastika School, Tao Nan School
Kiddy Campus Childcare Centres, PCF Kindergartens, PCF Sparkletots Childcare Centres, YMCA Childcare Centres